Depending on your fare, you may be able to cancel your booking.
Airline fare rules apply for all changes; please check these before continuing. These can be found on your mix&match email itinerary.
Important Information About Cancelling Flights
By submitting this form, you authorise Mix & Match to cancel all passengers and relevant flights as detailed;
- Please make sure that you are familiar with the airline's fare rules, as these will determine your cancellation options and any fees that may apply.
- Some tickets are non-refundable and may only be held as credit for future travel.
- Some tickets are valid for a refund of taxes only.
- All cancellations are final and cannot be reversed.
- Any approved refund coming from the airline may take approximately 12 weeks.
For flights departing within 72 hours, please call our team on 0800 367 468. For all other flights, please click the continue button and submit your cancellation request.