Checked bags
Checked bag allowance will depend on the airline, the type of fare, and your destination.
Baggage will be shown as either a weight, for example 23kgs, or it may be shown as a piece limit, for example 1 PC. 1 PC is normally 23 kgs, however please check the fare rules as these can vary between airlines and the fare type.
Infants have different allowances to adults and children, please check this is what you need before confirming your flight. It will show during the booking process and before you make payment.
Note: Not all fares include checked bags.
Some airlines will allow you to add an extra bag, this will be at extra baggage charges and vary between airlines. If you need to add an extra bag please call our team on 0800 367468 or 03 3573021.
Where to find this
If you have not booked yet
Checked baggage allowances show on the search results beside each fare, so you can choose the right option for you.
Jetstar fares show differently.
The baggage allowance is shown in the fare type description and also in the boxes beside each fare type.
You can change this and add bags on any fare type by choosing the weight that you would like to add. The price for the extra bags will show. When you have the baggage and fare type you want you can click on select to add that fare and baggage amount.
Note it is cheaper to add a bag when booking than at the airport.
If you have made a booking with Mix & Match
Your checked baggage allowance is shown on your itinerary, this will be in the flights details on the first page, and in the fare rules.
Please note if you have booked different fare types please check all flights as this may be different for each flight.
Carry on bag
All tickets include a carry-on allowance, including children and infants.
These can vary by airline and the fare type. Most airlines for economy class tickets allow one carry-on bag small enough to fit into the overhead locker or under the seat in front of you with a weight of up to 7kgs.
Rules for each airline and flight vary, so it's best to check the fare rules just to be sure.